2024 Lineup

Des Rocs
April 20th • 9-10pm
Mesa Sessions Main Stage

April 20th • 7:30-8:30pm
Mesa Sessions Main Stage

Grey Daze
April 19th • 10-11pm
Nile Theater

Krooked Kings
April 20th • 10-11pm
Nile Theater

DJ Muggs
April 18th • 7-10pm
VIP Welcoming Party Badge Required

April 19th • 9-10pm
Phantom Fox Alley Stage

April 20th • 5:10-5:50pm
Mesa Sessions Main Stage

April 20th • 4:10-4:40pm
Mesa Sessions Main Stage

Viper Club
April 20th • 6:20-7pm
Mesa Sessions Main Stage

April 19th • 9-9:30pm
Nile Theater

Practically People
April 20th • 9-9:30pm
Nile Theater
all artists
3iDragon (AZ)
Afterbirth Cartoons (AZ)
Ali Angel (CA)
Alien Arcade (AZ)
All The Better (AZ)
Amazing Exploding (AZ)
Anarbor (AZ)
Angelfood (AZ)
April Anne (AZ)
Ariel Miranda (AZ)
Armando Moreno & The Revival (AZ)
Arrlo (NV)
Arsenic Kitchen (AZ)
Autopilot (CAN)
Avarist (AZ)
B3lla Donna (AZ)
Banklifemusic x KOLiDE (AZ)
Beach Viper (AZ)
Ben Shaw (WA)
Bethany Home (AZ)
Betting on The End (AZ)
Bizmyth (AZ)
Black Caesar Soul Club (AZ)
Black Tapestry (AZ)
Bogan Via (AZ)
BoOsty (TX)
Bryce Evans and The Black Cats (CO)
Bryce Kepner (AZ)
Burn’d Bridges (AZ)
Burr (AZ)
Carol Pacey & The Honey Shakers (AZ)
Ceekay Jones (AZ)
Chambers (AZ)
Chasing Desolation (CA)
Christie Huff (AZ)
Conor Lafferty (AZ)
Corner Flor (AZ)
Craig Wallach (AZ)
Crimzon Nightmare (AZ)
Crossing i’s Dotting t’s (CA)
Danimals and The Bearded Man (AZ)
Dead City Revival (AZ)
Des Rocs (NY)
Details Of Eating (AZ)
Diego Summers (AZ)
Dina Preston Band (AZ)
DJ James G (AZ)
Drown the Planter (AZ)
DS1! (AZ)
Dusty Rug (AZ)
Elluna and the Space Anemones (AZ)
Ethan Alijah (CA)
Factory Reset (AZ)
Fairchild (AZ)
Fat Gray Cat (AZ)
Glass Generation (CA)
Gnarwahl JRZ (AZ)
Gone Before Us (AZ)
Greasy Parcheesi Alliance (AZ)
Grey Daze (AZ)
Halloday (AZ)
Hallways (AZ)
Harpoon, the Whale (WY)
He, Then (AZ)
Homebody (NM)
Hotel Pink (AZ)
In Memory Of (AZ)
Indigenous Robot (AZ)
It Gets Worse (AZ)
Jackson Lee (AZ)
Jacky Rain (AZ/CA)
Jacob Jiminez (AZ)
Jane Vanderbilt (AZ)
John Idalis (CA/AZ)
JT Sheets (AZ)
Kelsea Robin (AZ)
Killcode (NY)
Killing Sunday (AZ)
Krooked Kings (UT)
Kyle. (AZ)
leetham (UT)
Life on Standby (AZ)
Loch Seed (AZ)
Louis on Tour (AZ)
Machinery of Night (AZ)
Manic Monkeys (AZ)
Marieke (AZ)
MCC DJ Program (AZ)
Meghan Pulles (TN)
Michael D’Angelo (NJ)
Mill’s End (AZ)
Morgan’s Bluff (AZ)
My Upside Down (AZ)
Nicole & Scotty (AZ)
Old Knives (AZ)
One Way Sky (AZ)
Palindrome (AZ)
Pathogen (NV)
Pleasure Cult (AZ)
Porterhouse (AZ)
Post Crucifixion (AZ)
Postal Scam (AZ)
Practically People (AZ)
Perfect (AZ)
Pretty Vengeful (AZ)
Pure Sport (NV)
Pushing Veronica (CA)
Rad Stacey (AZ)
Raised on TV (CA)
Randy the Poet (AZ)
Redoubt (AZ)
Reinvented (AZ)
Revolutionary Development (AZ)
Ring Finger, No Pinky (AZ)
Roach Radio (AZ)
Rosahlee (WA)
Ryan David Orr (OR)
Safety Patrol (AZ)
Sammi Martinez (AZ)
Sammie Augusto (CA)
Seanloui and The Black Roses (AZ)
Secondhand Obsession (AZ)
Secret Harbor (AZ)
Sedan Sedan (AZ)
Shane Zen (AZ)
Sir Winston Williams (AZ)
Slap Daddy (AZ)
Small Town Sindrome (MN)
Snailmate (AZ)
So Vain (CA)
Sophia Bavishi (AZ)
Soulstice (AZ)
South Bend Drive (AZ)
Spencer Vandevier (CA)
St. PoP (AZ)
Steven M Krug (IL)
Stone Mendez (NE/AZ)
Street Creep (AZ)
Sydney Swanson (AZ)
Sympathy Card (AZ)
Tell All Your Friends (AZ)
Tess Cameron and Logan Sol (NY)
The Agoreez (AZ)
The Band November (AZ)
The Bellweathers (AZ)
The Bites (CA)
The Blue Door Band (AZ)
The Cause Of Depression (AZ)
The Edisons (AZ)
The Enjoyers (AZ)
The Fast 86’ers (AZ)
The Frequency Principle (AZ)
The JNX (AZ)
The Joeys (AZ)
The Last Glimpse (AZ)
The Secret Trails (AZ)
The Zonies (AZ)
Tia Penny (AZ)
Tio Nacho’s House (WA)
Turn Zero (AZ)
Uncommon Crossroads (AZ)
Vacendak (AZ)
Val Chillmore (AZ)
Vintage Clothes (AZ)
Viper Club (AZ)
Wallace Hound (AZ)
Warick Pond (AZ)
Weapon of Pride (AZ)
Weathers (CA)
Wild Giants (AZ)
Wildflower Mind (AZ)
ZeeCeeKeely (AZ)